During this Credit Repair process, you will receive a total free Credit Score Report. Follow by a unique Credit Score Analysis. Where we will gather information to Improve your Credit Score.
Once the information has been collected and analyzed. It is indeed when we will start building the appropriate legal documents, to start improving your Credit Score.
Legal documentation has been created, sent, and received by the Credit Bureaus. Credit Score Improvement should be seen within 30 days.
During the Credit Score Improvement phase, you will receive monthly updates about your Credit Score. Lead by a Credit Score expert, that will guide and mentor you through your Credit Score Improvement process.
Credit Repair Warrior is a business founded by Julio Perez with the goal of addressing individuals’ financial challenges related to their Credit Scores. We are proud to be a veteran owned and family operated enterprise. The company is made up of a team of professionals who hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well, as relevant certifications. Credit Repair Warrior is dedicated to helping individuals improve their credit scores and providing support to Veterans, Active-Duty personnel, National Guard and Reserve Soldiers in overcoming any obstacles that may hinder their success.
Whether your goal is to buy a house, get a car, obtain new credit cards. Credit Repair Warrior is here to make those possibilities a reality. The company follows a process that ensures clients see improvements in their credit scores within the first 30 days. No matter the extent or complexity of the credit repair needs you can trust Credit Repair Warrior to be your partner offering the most affordable credit repair services available in the market.
Monday | 8am-6pm |
Tuesday | 8am-6pm |
Wednesday | 8am-6pm |
Thursday | 8am-6pm |
Friday | 8am-6pm |
Saturday | 9am-5pm |
Sunday | CLOSED |